Settling in
Some children will settle in straight away, and others take longer, so here are some tips to help both you and your child settling in.
It is important to come in with your child for visits leading up to their starting date – stay for awhile so you can get to know the teachers and environment. We encourage you to read our Settling In policy which is included in your enrolment pack..
Talk with teachers
Help the staff get to know your child by sharing with them about your child – things such as: special words and ways of communicating, favourite ways of being comforted, sleep routines, level of toilet training, favourite foods or special food needs, life and family – important things that might be happening/upsetting to them, special education needs, or early intervention services they are receiving.
Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye is very important – please do not leave without saying goodbye to your child. It is normal for your child to be upset when you leave, especially in the early weeks and it can be upsetting for you. Here are some ideas that may help: be positive about the day ahead – give yourself plenty of time to settle your child in – use a short routine, such as reading a story together or waving to each other through the window – always tell your child when you’re leaving, say goodbye, and then leave straight away (you can always phone if you’re concerned) – pick your child up at the time you have promised, and for the first week or two, try to be early.