We offer a community and family focused preschool in a relaxed rural village setting. The environment at our centre is spacious and promotes physical activity and an appreciation for the natural world.
The centre is 14km from Whanganui. Outdoor play and exploration is encouraged in all weathers – rural kids love mud! We also have a popular bike track and a large sandpit.
We have a strong emphasis on welcoming and belonging for all children and whānau, ensuring their cultures are reflected in our priorities for learning, our philosophy, physical environment and curriculum.
We build strong links from home to preschool, and on to transitioning to school, as well as from participation in school events. Our close proximity to Fordell School (over the fence!) further strengthens this transition.
Fordell Preschool is a non-profit charitable trust, and we are unique in the way that we are completely governed and managed by a volunteer parent based committee. We welcome new parents/whānau to join us, so please let us know if you are interested in taking an active role at preschool. There are plenty of activities to be involved in throughout the year, such as fundraising, social events like BBQs and discos, and parent support for all of these is really appreciated.
Parents are also welcome at our committee meetings, and the dates/times for these are advised via our Whānau Facebook Page and our newsletters.
Family focused, quality early childhood education in a relaxed rural setting, strengthening learning now and into the future, both within and beyond the environment.
Fordell Preschool aims to provide a positive, caring, respectful learning environment for all, where we work alongside each other, learning as we go.
“Where life experience is learning, and learning is for life”.
Fordell Preschool is a rural environment that places importance on getting to know children and families. This encourages all members of the community to have a strong sense of ownership and belonging in the centre.
The environment is spacious and promotes appropriate levels of challenge, active learning and physical activity while encouraging an appreciation of and respect for the natural world.
Relationships are reciprocal, compassionate, warm and friendly and are based on a foundation of mana/respect.
Children are encouraged to develop confidence and perseverance in their explorations and learning.
Emphasis is placed on quality interactions to support friendships, social competence, security and self-esteem through routines, clear expectations and boundaries.
Our focus is on children and families experiencing smooth transitions into and on from the preschool.